At blazing speed, that’s how time has passed in recent years. The crisis is long and complicated and affects expenditure and our industry more than expected. We can not deny that this past year has been marked by the situation of economic and financial recession that we are still in. Yet despite the bad times, we take pride in verifying that Tenerife Moda collective enterprises have met the goals they had set, highlighted by:
Innovation, Dynamism, Internationalization, Continuous Analysis, Cooperation, Strategy, Creativity, Product Rating, Implementation, Product image and Branding … terms already included in the approaches of the collections or products of companies in the collective Tenerife Moda.
The fashion industry is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic sectors of the Spanish economy. Two of its most important elements are innovation and international development. In recent years all assets in one way or another form part of the global concept of fashion, and have witnessed a rapid transformation in this sector that has reached the textile and clothing industry as a whole and has forced many companies to restructure, to modify their strategies, or even to close a business. So we know that we can only fight it with work, creativity, constant updating and being closer to our group of entrepreneurs.
As usual in all these years from Tenerife Moda, we remain a real support for each of the partners, giving the best service and being present in all industry initiatives. The entrepreneurs who make up the total sector are a combination of talent, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and specialized work. When it comes to fashion and creativity, we want to define both the process and generate new ideas, trends, lines and colors that are developed each season as the business channels that transform that economic value in a creative starting point.
A new year begins, and with it two new seasons, fairs and events, inverse and direct missions, image campaigns, brand plans, marketing, collections, with a common denominator, that of a sector that is maintained despite crisis with the slogan: Keep what is established, not forgetting new approaches, among others, the birth of a project in which we are immersed, online sales of the product Tenerife Moda, great shopping on line dedicated to fashion and where collective brands can sell their products under one platform, Internet is a reality of success in our industry and we have to be part of it and benefit from this sales channel.
According to the report provided by the Information Center of Textile and Clothing (CITYC) sector, after suffering a particularly serious situation because of the crisis, has evolved towards more normal levels of activity. This recovery has been based on a more dynamic foreign markets, which contrasts with the decline of the Spanish market. Aware of the need to find ways to enhance the competitiveness of our products, from which continues to insist on the importance of intangibles in fashion and are already many companies are betting strongly by factors such as creativity, design, quality, the brand and the image of their products in order to consolidate and expand its market share both domestically and internationally. Also deserves special mention collective membership of Tenerife Moda, associations and major sectoral federations at national and international level. In these uncertain times, collaboration between all those involved in the world of clothing, textiles and fashion is essential, from Tenerife Fashion has always been a need to strengthen relations with all members of the sector.
Many activities and initiatives, a whole shows that the sector is alive, is creative and keep moving forward.