The Tenerife International Fashion Fair, organized by the Cabildo, will gather from March 30 to April 2, at the Fairgrounds, more than one hundred companies from the Canary Islands. This event, which takes on an international dimension in this edition, includes as a highlight the grand finale of the IX Contest of Young Designers (with finalists from Barcelona, Valencia, Almería and Tenerife), to be held on the 30th of March. The fair will have two catwalks (Caja Negra and central), which will be presenting 50 female models, 26 male and 20 children in professional parades for companies of the sector.
This great meeting with fashion, which will have about 9,000 square meters of exhibition and another 3,000 reserved for catwalk, will be attended by representatives from other countries such as Senegal, Colombia or Portugal (Madeira), which will print a new appeal to this important professional event for the promotion and commercialization of the fashion that is made in Tenerife. There will also be a wide participation of designers from the islands of Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Palma, with a regional objective.
The fair will have several areas of special attraction for visitors, with activities and fashion shows running every day on the different catwalks. These spaces will be well defined and separated from each other by the Kissing Room by Heineken, a relaxed area in which different food truck stands will also be placed with the international gastronomic offer of the Fair, which will create synergies to generate meeting points for marketing.
The area Prontomoda will be a space for the direct sale to the public of seasonal clothing, in which you will find Canary Islands (Tenerife, Lanzarote, Las Palmas and La Palma), as well as national and international garments. As a novelty, many of the brands will market what they show on the catwalks at the same time. Another space will be reserved for signatures that want to present the progress of their collections, where you can see advances that will also present in other international gateways.
Large sizes
Another innovation of the fair is the enhancement of ‘large sizes’. The organization will work with the program ‘Women with curves’ to further diversify the marketing of this sector. Large size parades will be an important incentive in this event, and is creating great excitement. They will have their momentum on Sunday, April 2nd.
Professional Catwalks
During the four days of the Fair you will be able to witness more than 70 commercial parades in which the Cabildo has made a great effort. They have done it with the sending of more than three thousand communications to companies interested in the marketing so that they can witness the advances of the sector in children’s fashion, ready-to-wear, accesories, haute couture and gentlemen. The professionalism of it is guaranteed with more than 160 people who will work directly for these parades.
Photography and Fashion
Those attending the International Fashion Fair in Tenerife, whose entry costs two euros, and part of the raised money will go to the Association of women with breast cancer, Amate. You can also visit the exhibition of the VI Photography Competition Tenerife Fashion, where the finalist works will be exhibited in large format, and can be viewed from any point of the 9,000 square meters of exhibition.
Area Change of look
This area will be the reference event for hairdressers, beauty centers, stylists and photography professionals, conceived as a space to teach but also to see and learn to both professionals and the general public, with exhibitions and master classes of new Trends in the sector.
In addition to serving as a showcase for professionals, this space will help to stimulate the work of the Tenerife Moda collective, support trade and generate economic activity. It will also serve as network among the same companies, favoring their relationships, reinforcing their brands and promoting synergies.
The Change of look area will host a presentation and masterclass with leading professionals that will show live the latest trends and techniques. This space will be a meeting point for professionals of the sector who will know the latest trends.
IX Young Designers Contest
One of the highlights of the Tenerife International Fashion Fair will be the Grand Finale of the ninth edition of the Young Designers Contest, which will feature, once again, the artistic direction of Marco Marrero and María Díaz (M & M), who are responsible for setting up the show to unleash the creations of the finalists Adriá Doy Pou and Anna Vendrell (Barcelona), Gisela Dorta and Francisco Medina (Tenerife), Yasmina Concepción Medina (Almería), Marina Moreno and Joel Leiva (Barcelona ), And Adrián Cubero (Valencia).
Likewise, the journalist Laura Afonso will be the one who welcomes the 60 models that will appear with the creations in the catwalk of the Black Box of the Campus. When the jury retires to deliberate, it will take place the parade of the invited designer, the Colombian Natalia Botero, who is in charge of the women’s fashion firm ‘Entreaguas’. She will be showing her collection ‘Immersed in Infinity’.
Communication area
The Fair will have a space for experts in fashion communication called Espacio bloguers3. They will help promote the economic development of the sector. This is why they will have a space where they can work in complete comfort.
International Catwalk
This year, the Fair will close with the official presentation of the International Catwalk of Tenerife, where there will be present the Portuguese designers Patricia Pinto and Sandra Vieira; The Leo Leoine Martinez; Juan Pablo Socarras, from Colombia; The creative Rama, from Senegal; And Oswaldo Machín, from Lanzarote. This catwalk will be a unique moment in the Fair, as it raises the international objective.
Great impact on Social media.
The previous edition of the Fashion Fair of Tenerife generated a traffic in social networks of more than 22 million impacts only on Twitter and Instagram, through its label #FeriaModaTFE (18,488,842 on Twitter and 3,758,268 on Instagram, @ Enterifemoda).
The other official social networks of Tenerife Moda (www.facebook.com/tenerifemoda, www.youtube.com/tenerifemoda), as well as the website (www.tenerifemoda.com) increased their activity during the event in more than one 400 percent.
During the next edition of the fair it will continue to use social networks with the same hashtag or label, “#FeriaModaTFE”.
The Exhibition Center will become for four days a unique space where communication and contact between companies will allow to locate new customers, suppliers and collaborators. It is, therefore, one of the Cabildo’s strategic lines to promote entrepreneurship and job creation.
This fair has a marked international character and the Cabildo of Tenerife aims to become the largest commercial space in the Macaronesia textile sector.