The sisters Vanessa and Fátima, who are presented as @ lamodaamimanera on the social network Instagram, won draw made amongst all the comments, photo publications own or shared videos that contained the hashtag #FeriaModaTFE in any of the social networks: Intstagram and Twitter.
The socioeconomic vice-president of the Cabildo, Efraín Medina, was in charge of delivering today [Friday 20] the prize: a batch of products from Tenerife Moda and Emprendemoda companies. Vanessa, who came to the Cabildo on behalf of @lamodaamimanera, received products from the firm Roselinde, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and from mysweetAlpargatas.
The raffle, as stated in the rules, was carried out randomly on April 17 and was verified and certified by, among thousands of publications that used this hashtag already consolidated for this event.